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Site Policy

1. Safeguarding / Child Protection Policy StatementAt Quantum Medics, we are committed to creating a safe and supportive environment for all individuals, particularly children and young adults, who participate in our programs or activities. We recognize our responsibility to safeguard and protect the welfare of every child / young person entrusted to our care. As such, we have developed this Safeguarding / Child Protection Policy to outline our commitment and procedures for ensuring the safety and well-being of all participants.Key Principles:
  • Zero Tolerance for Abuse: Quantum Medics operates under a zero-tolerance policy regarding all forms of abuse, including physical, emotional, sexual, and neglectful behaviour. We will not tolerate any actions or behaviours that harm or endanger the welfare of children / young people.
  • Prevention and Awareness: We are committed to raising awareness and providing education to staff, mentors, volunteers, and participants about safeguarding issues, including recognizing signs of abuse, reporting procedures, and creating a safe environment.
  • Confidentiality and Privacy: We respect the privacy and confidentiality of all individuals involved in our programs. Any information disclosed in relation to safeguarding concerns will be handled sensitively and in accordance with relevant data protection laws.
  • Collaboration and Support: Quantum Medics will work collaboratively with external agencies, including social services, law enforcement, and child protection authorities, to address safeguarding concerns and ensure appropriate support and interventions are provided.
Roles and Responsibilities:
  • Founders: Manoj Vaithilingam, Shirin Massroor, and Reece Osemwegie, as the founders of Quantum Medics, are committed to upholding and implementing this Safeguarding / Child Protection Policy. They will provide leadership, support, and oversight to ensure the effective implementation of safeguarding procedures across all aspects of the organisation.
  • Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): [Insert Name] has been appointed as the Designated Safeguarding Lead for Quantum Medics. The DSL will oversee all safeguarding matters, provide guidance and support to staff, and ensure that safeguarding procedures are followed consistently.
  • Staff, Mentors, and Volunteers: All staff members, mentors, and volunteers have a responsibility to familiarise themselves with this policy, undergo safeguarding training, and adhere to the procedures outlined for reporting and responding to safeguarding concerns.
This Safeguarding / Child Protection Policy reflects our commitment to promoting the welfare and safety of children and young people participating in Quantum Medics programs. By working together and adhering to the principles and procedures outlined in this policy, we aim to create a secure and nurturing environment where every individual can thrive.Signed:
  • Manoj Vaithilingam
  • Shirin Massroor
  • Reece Osemwegie
2. Policy on the Recruitment of Ex-Offenders for Quantum MedicsQuantum Medics is committed to providing equal opportunities to all individuals seeking paid or voluntary positions within the organisation. We pledge to treat all applicants fairly and without discrimination based on conviction or any other information revealed. Given the nature of our work, which involves mentoring and coaching aspiring medics, all staff and volunteers will have regular contact with individuals, including children. Therefore, criminal record checks (Disclosures) are mandatory as part of our recruitment process for all positions within Quantum Medics. We adhere to the Disclosure and Barring (DBS) Code of Practice and Part V of the Police Act 1997 to assess applicants' suitability for positions of trust. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that having a criminal record will not automatically disqualify an individual from working with Quantum Medics. We aim to consider the nature of the position, as well as the circumstances and background of any offences, in our recruitment decisions. This policy aligns with our broader framework for safe and fair recruitment and selection procedures, including our Recruitment Policy, Equal Opportunities Policy, and Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Procedures.2. Policy:2.1 Quantum Medics is dedicated to equality of opportunity, and our policy is to take all reasonable steps to prevent anyone associated with the organisation from receiving unfair treatment based on various factors, including unrelated criminal records.2.2 All applicants for positions within Quantum Medics are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 due to their duties involving regular contact with individuals. Applicants will be required to disclose their entire criminal record at an early stage of the application process, including all convictions, whether spent or unspent. The disclosed information will only be accessible to those involved in the recruitment process and will be examined only for short-listed candidates invited for interviews.2.3 An Enhanced Disclosure will be requested for all prospective employees. Employment confirmation will be contingent upon a satisfactory Disclosure. The Job Advertisement and Application Form will include a statement regarding the requirement of a Disclosure upon offering the position.2.4 During interviews or separate discussions, Quantum Medics will facilitate an open and balanced conversation regarding any offences or relevant matters concerning the position. When assessing a disclosed conviction, we will consider:
  • Relevance to the position offered
  • Severity of the offence
  • Time elapsed since the offence occurred
  • Existence of a pattern of offending behaviour
  • Changes in the applicant's circumstances since the offence
2.5 Failure to disclose information directly relevant to the position may result in the withdrawal of an employment offer. However, we commit to discussing any matters revealed in a Disclosure with the individual before rescinding a conditional offer of employment.2.6 All staff involved in the recruitment process will be briefed on this policy.2.7 We undertake to provide this policy to all applicants who apply for positions with Quantum Medics.
3. Information Sharing and Multi-Agency Working PolicyQuantum Medics is committed to effective information sharing and collaboration with local safeguarding and child protection agencies to ensure the safety and well-being of children, young people, and their families. This Information Sharing and Multi-Agency Working Policy outlines our procedures for sharing information, identifying children and families in need of support, and working collaboratively with other organisations.Guidelines and Procedures:
  • Written Guidelines: Quantum Medics has written guidelines and procedures on sharing information, ensuring clarity and consistency in our information-sharing practices.
  • Compatibility with Agency Expectations: Our information-sharing procedures are aligned with the expectations of local safeguarding and child protection agencies, promoting seamless collaboration and communication.
  • Informed Consent: Children, young people, and their families are informed of the reasons why Quantum Medics may need to share information with other agencies. Consent is obtained from the appropriate parties when sharing information is deemed necessary and appropriate.
Support and Referrals:
  • Identification and Referral: Staff and volunteers are provided with guidance on identifying children and families who may benefit from early help and support. They are equipped to refer them to the relevant agencies for assistance.
  • Access to Local Services: Up-to-date information about local services and resources is made available to staff, volunteers, young people, and families, facilitating access to additional support when needed.
Collaboration and Networking:
  • Partnerships with Other Organisations: Quantum Medics proactively establishes links with other organisations that interact with the children we work with, fostering a collaborative approach to safeguarding and support.
  • Working with Children's Services: Guidance is provided to staff and volunteers on how to work with children's services as part of a multi-agency response. This includes conducting assessments and providing support to children and families in coordination with other agencies.
Escalating Concerns:
  • Confidence in Escalating Concerns: Relevant members of our workforce are trained and confident in escalating concerns about children and young people to local safeguarding and child protection agencies if they are not satisfied with the response received.
Conclusion:At Quantum Medics, we recognise the importance of effective information sharing and multi-agency working in safeguarding children and young people. By adhering to the principles outlined in this policy, we ensure that our practices are in line with best practice guidelines and contribute to the holistic support and protection of those in our care.
4. Safer Recruitment Policy StatementAt Quantum Medics, we are committed to safeguarding and protecting all children and young people who engage with our organisation. Our safer recruitment practices are designed to ensure the welfare and safety of children remain our top priority throughout all aspects of our operations.Our CommitmentsQuantum Medics is dedicated to implementing robust safer recruitment practices to safeguard and protect all children and young people involved with our organisation. We are committed to identifying and rejecting applicants who are deemed unsuitable to work with children and young people, ensuring only individuals with the highest standards of integrity and suitability are recruited. Quantum Medics will promptly respond to any concerns raised during the recruitment process regarding the suitability of applicants. We will take appropriate action, including further investigation or rejection of applicants if necessary. We are committed to continuously monitoring the suitability of our employees and volunteers even after they have commenced their roles. Any concerns regarding their suitability will be addressed promptly and with the utmost seriousness. All new staff and volunteers at Quantum Medics will participate in a comprehensive induction program that includes specific training on child protection and safeguarding practices.Our safer recruitment policy statement is supported by detailed procedures outlined in our recruitment, selection, and induction policies. These procedures ensure consistency, fairness, and compliance with relevant legislation and guidance. This policy comes into force immediately upon adoption and will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains current and effective.At Quantum Medics, we understand the importance of maintaining the highest standards of safer recruitment practices to protect the welfare of children and young people. By adhering to this policy, we demonstrate our unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of those we serve.
Reviewed 06/04/2024
Developed by FORSPIRA